Tuesday, July 8, 2008

This is it.

I guess this is what it's like to be at the end of my rope. I didn't raise my voice, didn't insult him, and didn't get openly upset. I told him how I felt, that I wasn't going to be his once in a while girl and asked him to leave. I don't have a switch and I don't change modes on command. He doesn't either he says. Though I'm going to say my lack of mode switching trumps his- I'm trying to focus on consistency and he thinks he can just changes tones with me.... Earlier today he came over and laid in my bed and wouldn't let go of me. Rubbed my entire body, told me he loved me, and kept kissing me. I asked if he wanted to spend the night and he said yes. So he came over tonight, said he didn't know if he was staying or not, but that we could hang out. So we watched a movie and he didn't touch me. Didn't look at me. Did a total 180 from earlier. I paused the movie and asked what was going on. He said it wasn't me, it was him. Yea that's a shocker- I'm the one who has my shit together, there's no way it's me. I told him that I can compromise with what we're doing but at the same time I don't do the back tracking thing. I can be friends or I can act like his girlfriend but I refuse to go from playing one role at 1:00pm to the other at 11:00 that night. I told him if that's what he wanted then he needed to find a booty call because I don't play that game. He got all huffy and defensive and said he wouldn't have that conversation and that he was leaving. Go right ahead asshole, you know where the door is. I waited til he was gone to get up and lock it behind him. If he thinks I'll wait around forever, he's in for a shock. I'd warn him but he'd take it as a threat and get pissed off again. The boy always did realize what he had just a little too late.

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